Fears of rapid urbanization give urgency to the effort to analyze Amazonian data. After FARC abandoned its strongholds, logging, cattle, and gold-mining industries expanded their operations into the forest. While this has brought much-welcomed economic growth to the region, it has also brought about rapid deforestation: post-peace accords, the rate has increased by 44 percent.22 The hope is that new in situ environmental sensors and machine learning techniques will generate models that can predict threats to conservation. This information could then inform policies to better protect forested areas and encourage both peace and sustainable development.
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The key to this data revolution is trust. How can the development community foster trust among individuals, whose socioeconomic data are critical to achieving sustainable solutions, at a time when concerns are mounting over privacy and cybersecurity? Relatedly, how can researchers assure policymakers that machine-generated analyses can be trusted as evidence on which to base key policy decisions?
HIST 112b The Crusades and the Expansion of Medieval Europe [ ss ] Survey of the relationships between medieval Europe and neighboring cultures, beginning with the decline of Byzantium. Topics include a detailed look at the Crusades, the Spanish reconquista, the Crusader kingdoms, economic growth, and the foundations of imperialism. Usually offered every third year. William Kapelle 2ff7e9595c